©2024 The Human Gathering


OUR community came together like never before TO amplify the POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE WORLD we all wish to see

Two hundred brilliant minds converged, having an experience that would springboard the Human Gathering for years to come. This gathering saw attendees from dozens of countries and countless industries. Over 36 hours of Q&A sessions were held, and vulnerability was at an all-time high. Top leaders shared topics, ideas, and feelings they had never shared in a public setting before. The phrase ‘The Human Gathering is a safe place‘ was birthed at this gathering, something that carries on to this day at each and every gathering we produce.

On a fun note, the video below has become very nostalgic for our community as it showcases our first logo and brand ever created for the public.

So many incredible and RAW moments transpired at this gathering. These next few videos were shot without professional equipment, but still show the wholesome and human side of this insanely professional gathering

Fun fact one of these incredible youth singers was able to work with Randy Jackson on a record!